Archive for December, 2012

The Food Files iPhone and iPad App

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Design and coding of an iPhone and iPad Compatible App, with the emphasis on a desktop file metaphor. Users interact with app by downloading recipes, facts, and myths about food, and having the ability to save downloaded recipes. The App builds a community around The Food Files facebook page. A browser plug-in allows the app user to discuss the current recipe with all of the Food Files facebook fans. Built using PhoneGap, JQuery, the iOS SDK, and PHP and JSON are used to obtain the information from a facebook-connected database. Visit The Food Files App site to learn more.

What So Proudly We Hail Curriculum

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Creation of an online curriculum that extends the brand and the mission of the printed book. Custom WordPress CMS theme and database queries allows for easy and extensive updating by the client of different multi-media materials, and ease of use for the learner. Visit What So Proudly We Hail Curriculum to learn more.

How Much Fish

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Creation of a web site as well as iPhone app that allows users to calculate the level of mercury that they are exposed to after consuming different quantities of different fish. Visit How Much Fish to learn more.


Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Redesign, Imagery, and Re-coding of an extensive site engineered to use the ExpressionEngine CMS. Emphasis on bringing magazine-like hierarchy to a daily blog-site with a large pre-existing database, the top carousel is a prime example. Visit HumaneWatch to learn more.